Saturday, December 25, 2010

guess its time...

Steve and I have been trying to keep it a secret for as long as possible but both parents have announced in Christmas letters and have pretty much told all of Fort Collins and I guess we need to announce...................

We are having a BABY!!!!

We are 11 weeks and let me tell you....pregnancy is not as fun as it sounds! Im so grateful to finally be pregnant because it took a while but man its hard! haha We really want a little boy but would be happy with either! It was really fun knowing that this was our last Christmas without a little one and getting little outfits for the baby. My little brother got me a Jordan out fit with little booties and cap its soooo stinking cute! My sister in law got our spud a pj set with ducks all over it! ahhh its so fun! we are due July 17 im sure this wont be the last time you hear about it!

so there it is.... along with everyone else we are finally prego!


Jessie said...

I'm so excited for you guys!!! you will be the best parents! congrats nic!

The Moore Family said...

That is great news!! We are so excited for you! Hope you guys enjoyed the holidays. Take care!
-Aaron and Amy Moore

kira lee said...
