Monday, December 22, 2008

Im just pretending to be Juno

Sunday night steve and I really didnt have alot to do and got really board! so while steve ate his pizza rolls I opened up a dvd from under the was JUNO! I freaking loved that movie..DONT GET ANY IDEAS IM NOT just pretending to be juno! If you have not seen Juno i strongly suggest it! we take off on wednesday for colorado! and we cant wait! and Christmas is almost here!!!!


Jen said...

I freaking miss you nicky!!! Hey, we saw Juno together in colorado a year ago. Isn't that crazy? Fun times! Love you and Have a very merry christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA are you pushing out or is something in there?? :) that's awesome! hmm i feel a movie night coming on...cuz you still have to watch batman!! chinese dumplings and...movies?? hmm...sometime soon