Monday, May 11, 2009

we made it!...

well steve and i are all moved into our new HOME! well not new new but new to us! its so fun thinking of painting ideas and new things that would improve the place! i love it here so far but...its kinda wierd here to...i went out sunday morning to get my news papers for my coupons and it was LAST WEEKS NEWS PAPER! who in their right mind sells a week old news paper?! well i guess the albertsons in rock springs does...then using the coupons was another story for another day...internet and cable are so expensive here we wont get it for about another month but on the positive side the library has free internet and its about 2 mins away from our house! its nice and there is only one tv station here WITH bunny ears...we we watch alot of 2 and a half men! anyways these pictures are not great by any means but here is our cute little pad!


Brad and Laura Williams said...

Thats so exciting...your in!! I'm happy for you guys but we definitely miss you too!

Jen said...

Oh nicky how exciting! It sounds like you live in a really lively town. ;) I want to come visit. I'm practically going to be alone this summer. Whit is gone and Jordan leaves June 21, my b-day :( for summer school. So lets meet up in park city or something!

Anonymous said...

cute!! yes i love my new is cheap!! but..i totally would've been like down the road and across the street neighbors from you if you would've stayed!! haha but yeah...boys are who knows..i am trying to focus on myself for a while..and get back on track...2 to many boys were being cheaters... blah...anyway i miss you! next week me and krista and doing a competition as partners!! ahh! i miss you and wish you were here! but let me know how everything is going and keep me updated! ♥

Shari Baker said...

Your house looks SO cute! We're still looking. It's getting exhausting, we are definitely ready to buy. Did you find a job? Not at Walmart, right? Hope all is well! Tell Steve hello! Oh yeah, I take pictures :)