Monday, October 8, 2012

Steves surprise party!

Ok... I'm officially the LAMEST person to throw a party! I forget my camera every time! I never go above and beyond on decorations...and this time was no exception....

Steve was promoted to a top store in the company last week! in fact it is in the top 10%!!! not of the state, region or even country but the world(yes they have pilots in Europe!) I could not be prouder of that man! He works so hard for our family! This past week he has done at least 14 hour days! poor guy! today is is his day off and he is only working 8 hours:-) that means we will get to see him at the dinner table tonight! A very exciting thing!!

So with all this going on his old store missed Steve so much that they wanted to throw him a party of we will miss you and Congratulations party! When i heard i wanted to help as much as i could! We got steve his favorite candies(M&M's) and a really yummy cake with balloons and a fun hat! i know kinda lame! One of his employees took pictures and I can't wait to see them! Ill post more about the party then!

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